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I am a new Political Candidate for the Nationalist Party for the 12th District.


I am Married to Corinne and live in Mellieħa, were I am presently serving as the Minority Leader, I am also the President of the workers branch of the Nationalist party,  SĦPN and President of the Sectional Committee in Mellieħa. I wish to introduce a new way of carrying out politics, the politics of ideas, the politics of inclusion , the politics of persuasion. I am passionate about workers rights, improving  workers conditions and improving legislation in relation to work regulation. I also believe that workers can only improve with the growth of their employers.

I believe in meeting with people face to face, listening to people's needs, understanding their life circumstances, this can only done if I come to you. Politics is not only done in parliament but it starts in people's homes,  this is the way I want to do politics, this is how I want to create change, from the people for the people. I believe that both national and local issues are all important, they are the issues that the electorate expect us to champion in their name, I will not shy away from discussing any issue which you the public feel is your best interest. 

I am contesting to serve, to serve you as my electorate and to serve my country as a servant of the people. 


Jiena kandidat ġdid tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fuq it-tnax-il distrett.


Miżżewweġ lil Corinne u noqgħod il-Mellieħa fejn naqdi wkoll ir-rwol ta’ Minority Leader fil-kunsill lokali. Jien ukoll il-president ta’ Solidarjetà Ħaddiema Partit Nazzjonalista u president tal-kumitat sezzjonali tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fil-Mellieħa. 

Nixtieq nintroduċi metodu ġdid ta’ kif għandha ssir il-politika, politika ta’ ideat, politika ta’ inklużjioni, politika ta’ persważjoni. Jiena ppassjonat dwar id-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema, dwar it-titjib fil-kundizzjonijiet tagħhom, dwar it-tisħiħ fil-leġislazzjoni tar-regoli tax-xogħol. Nemmen li l-ħaddiem jista’ jtejjeb il-kundizzjoni tiegħu bit-tkabbir ta' min iħaddimhom. Dawn jiddependu minn xulxin.

Nemmen fil-komunikazzjoni wiċċ imb’wiċċ man-nies, nisma’ l-bżonnijiet tagħhom u nifhem iċ-ċirkostanzi tagħhom. Dan nista’ nagħmlu biss jekk niġi għandek. Il-politika ma ssirx biss mill-parlament imma tibda mid-djar tan-nies. Dan hu l-mod ta’ kif irrid nagħmel il-politika; dan hu l-mod ta’ kif irrid noħloq bidla – minn nies għan-nies. Nemmen li kemm kwistjonijiet nazzjonali kif ukoll dawk lokali huma kollha importanti. Huma kwistjonijiet li l-elettorat jistenna li nipprmwovu għall-ġid tas-soċjetà. Mhux se noqgħod lura milli nitkellem dwar kwistjonijiet li jkunu fl-aħjar interess tagħkom, fl-aħjar interess tal-pubbliku.

Se nikkontesta biex inservi, biex inservi lilek bħala wieħed mill-elettorat tiegħi, biex inservi lil pajjiżi bħala qaddej tal-poplu.

Give me your feedback!

Your feedback is essential, it will help me understand better your needs and what you really expect. I am here for you! I want to be your voice in Parliament, I want to take a new approach to ensure your concerns, your proposals and your ideas are heard. 

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